Naval Technology: “Thailand was “De-Invited” to the globe’s largest naval exercise, RIMPAC”

According to Naval Technology (NT), Thailand was “De-Invited” to the globe’s largest naval exercise, RIMPAC. The world’s largest naval exercise is  the Pacific. Rim of the Pacific – or RIMPAC – will see ships, submarines and aircraft from 22 nations train together for an intensive four week period, says NT. For the first time in RIMPAC’s…

Thaksin based idea, a Mini Asian IMF, gets funding boosting

The attached ADB paper says: “The idea of the Asian bond market emerged first from Thailand in the summer of 2002. The creation of a bond market requires both issuers of bonds and investors in those bonds. The Thai initiative focused mainly on the investor side as then-Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, proposed that the members…

Thai Junta’s World Record vs Human Rights Watch! Who Wins?

Several local press reported today, that the Thai junta, excited by the success of screening a “Guts and Glory” war movie with “Kings and Massive Patriotism” for Thais to see, for free in modern movie theater across Thailand, is planning to show the movie, at some 1,000 mobile movie screen, across Thailand. Details remains scarce,…